ISLET 2025- Cardiometabolic Conclave, is a premier conference dedicated to healthcare professionals specializing in metabolism-related disorders, including Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, and Fatty Liver Disease. This event was established to create a unified platform for addressing the increasing healthcare challenges posed by these metabolic conditions. 

     The idea behind forming the conference is to provide a unified platform to address the growing healthcare burden of metabolic disorders. The  conference aims to engage experts from multiple medical specialties. ISLET 2025 facilitates collaboration among these disciplines to provide holistic care to patients. ISLET 2025 aims to keep its participating physicians abreast of the latest through education programs and CMEs so that they are equipped with the latest know-how and skill-sets to treat the patients with metabolic disorders effectively.

Dr Shashank R. Joshi


Dr. Basavanagowdappa H 
